Bill Wilson
Bill Wilson- Proud father of two sons, Alex 21, Max 19.
1993 Blairsville High grad
1994 Liberty University/Baseball team
1996 WCCC Liberal Studies A.A.
1998 Business owner/bricklayer
2009 owner Malex Masonry Inc.
2014 IUP Vocational I & II certificate
2020 Osha 30
2022 IUP Cooperative Education Coordinator Certification program
2009-present Eastern Westmoreland CTC Masonry Instructor
* life’s mission is lead young people to a better place. Coaching, teaching, mentoring youth is a fulfilling mission that never lacks excitement. Add that to building strong ties to businesses and industry through a vocational school and WOD Enterprises LLC. is born. WOD Enterprises LLC. allows me to form a bond between business and industry and young people. A burst flexible employment program serves both parties amicably. It allows both to feed off each other and build a better economy and a stronger community.